Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Q no A 4

1) Drucker believes that businesses and public signs have developed a language of their own for practical and pragmatic use, so that the use will be a means to an end (justification of a park by making it educational or drawing attention to business). What does messages in graffiti, especially well constructed or written, do to the language of the public eye? Has it created a realm of its own or does it try and fit in to mesh w/ this other ‘language’?
2) How much of public signs do you believe are for control (Fairey’s ‘OBEY’) or are for edification and benevolent beliefs? What of graffiti?
3)Has the 20th and 21st century migration to cities been a major cause for us to stop 'using' our eyes, in Elkins sense, since those that live there are removed from nature and the beauty he often speaks of?

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