Thursday, September 4, 2008

Q with no A

1) Transparent immediacy has become a norm for our daily multimedia experiences, especially as mediums become of 'random access,' with no "physical beginning, middle, or end." But do you feel that as the line that distinguishes the interface of the medium delivering the media blurs with our real world the effectiveness and willingness of the consumer/user to interact with such media will increase or become less effective?

2) Since photography, at least unaltered from its original state, depict the world in perfect linear perspective does this take away from the artist's expression and depiction of its display? In connection, what is the artist value and connection to the actual world created by graphical designs and CGI?

3) Do you believe there will ever be a point where a medium is in perfect sync and immediacy with the external world making it appear as though the medium is in fact not a replication or outside object, but an entity interacting within the external world? If so, would such a device still be considered media or will it become something else?

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